
This Is A Headline

This is some bold text with some code inside. This is some_underlined text with some code inside. This is some text with some code inside. This is some text with some code inside. This is some text with some code inside. This is some text with some code inside. This is some text with some code inside. This is some text with some code inside.

This is some link inside the text – it does not really lead anywhere! This is some link inside the text – it does not really lead anywhere! This is some link inside the text – it does not really lead anywhere!

# this is some python code

class Foo:

    def __init__(self, foo, bar):
        self.foo = foo
        self.bar = bar

    def do_something():
        """This is the docstring of this method.

        return foo

Some other headline

This is some other text

# some comment
    ls -lh